The Caretaker Cabinet of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), headed by Chief Minister Azam Khan, met for the 10th time recently in a sign of proactive government and a dedication to improving people’s lives. This event underscored the government’s dedication to addressing a wide range of concerns that affect the province’s residents.
One of the main choices made during this important meeting was the approval of a large rise in the minimum wage for labourers. This long-awaited wage increase, originally approved on June 20th, is expected to make a significant difference in the lives of the working class.
The minimum salary has now been raised to Rs. 32,000, a laudable move towards improving the living conditions of the labour force in KP.
In addition, the caretaker cabinet’s concern for the welfare of its population extends beyond labourers. During the 10th meeting, the cabinet extended its support to doctors in the Population Welfare Department by awarding them health professional allowances.
These decisions not only enhance the living standards of laborers but also contribute to the overall well-being of the citizens of KP. As the government continues to work towards improving the lives of its people, it is evident that positive change is on the horizon for the province.